How built a great Instagram Analytics platform

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by Dmitry Elisov
Oqtacore CTO

FlyStat Instagram Analytics is an online tool that helps social media managers track their progress and present it to their customers

Charts of Instagram Analytics


How we build an Instagram Analytics service

FlyStat collects data for Instagram accounts every hour and compares lists of users, allowing to see not only the change in number of users, but also see how many followed/unfollowed, gaining much better insight

Instagram statistics

A very useful feature for social media managers is PDF reports with weekly/monthly updates

daily report logo

If you are looking for the best social media manager, you can track the performance of FlyStat registered users at the Rating page and partner with the best

Another valuable feature is a comment tracker that allows to receive and answer Instagram comments from Telegram messenger.

The MVP of Flystat took just 5 months, after which it started quickly acquiring users. The development went full speed when in 2017 Instagram closed their APIs, making continuing work on FlyStat impossible.

We also built a cloud mining service

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